With or Without Windows? Winch, Apel and The Monadology of Forms of Life


  • Gonzalo Scivoletto Conicet




Interculturality, Anthropology, Relativism, Rules, Forms of Life


The following paper analyzes some epistemological categories from anthropological problem of understanding a “strange” form of life. To do this, it is taken the philosophical social program of Peter Winch and in particular his critique of classic anthropology “Witchcraft, Oracles and Magic among the Azande” by Evans-Pritchard. Winch, following Wittgenstein, represents a true paradigm shift within the analytic tradition of social science, which shows some similarities with hermeneutics (Gadamer, Ricoeur), philosophy and intercultural ethics (Fornet-Betancourt) and pragmatism (Bernstein). In this context, the problem of the multiplicity of forms of life and the respective “commensurability” of standards of rationality it is taken. In response to the charge of “relativism” from his theoretical proposal, it can be said that there are two categories of anthropological and social analysis that would allow or that would guide intercultural understanding: formal analogies and limiting notions. Finally, these categories are contrasted with the perspective of Karl-Otto Apel.

Author Biography

Gonzalo Scivoletto, Conicet

Gonzalo Scivoletto es Doctor en Filosofía (Universidad Nacional de Lanús). Becario Posdoctoral de Conicet. Profesor Titular de Corrientes del Pensamiento Contemporáneo (Universidad Juan Agustín Maza).


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How to Cite

Scivoletto, G. (2016). With or Without Windows? Winch, Apel and The Monadology of Forms of Life. Revista De Humanidades De Valparaíso, (7), 43–58. https://doi.org/10.22370/rhv2016iss7pp43-58


