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Tensions at School: Education for Girls Under the Neoliberal Stamp


  • Luna Follegati UMCE
  • Claudia Matus Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
  • Valentina Errázuriz Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile



education, gender, feminism, feminist movement, citizenship


Problematizing the production of gender -and specifically of the feminine in the school context- is particularly complex. For some time now, it has been the students themselves who have pointed out the disagreement with an educational system that persists in implementing both institutional and daily actions that shape and produce sexist differences in a significant way. The school has thus become a space of dispute and territory in conflict, where new perspectives of girls and young women coexist in relation to the demands for rights, to make their voices heard and to publicly express their disagreement, in the current context of mobilizations that question the prevailing neoliberalism. From the above framework and context, ethnographies conducted in two educational establishments, during 2014-2018, will be analyzed. In them, it is possible to identify two relevant argumentative axes that account for the production of women as second-class subjects, accentuating the analysis in the crossing between the forms of economization of life in a neoliberal key, and the implications of this from a gender perspective.


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How to Cite

Follegati, L., Matus, C., & Errázuriz, V. (2022). Tensions at School: Education for Girls Under the Neoliberal Stamp. Revista De Humanidades De Valparaíso, (19), 349–375.




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