On Contemporary Dialectics: Concept, Ontology and Critical Capacity


  • Pablo Gres Chávez Universidad Católica del Norte, Chile




dialectics, internal relations, abstraction, dialectical laws, criticism


This research aims to offer a concept of dialectics without mystifications, following Bertell Ollman’s reading of Marx’s work. In this sense, dialectics will be understood as a philosophical tradition and as a method of investigation, in which the figure of Marx is fundamental, but which can be nourished by the perspective of other philosophers who share some of his points. Secondly, the ontological basis (or philosophy of internal relations) and the epistemological substratum (or process of abstraction) that allow dialectics to operate will be explained. Once these aspects have been clarified, the main dialectical laws or tendencies will be presented. In order to understand its operation, dialectics will be characterized as a deeply critical philosophical tradition and method. Finally, some conclusions will be offered.


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How to Cite

Gres Chávez, P. (2022). On Contemporary Dialectics: Concept, Ontology and Critical Capacity. Revista De Humanidades De Valparaíso, (18), 151–171. https://doi.org/10.22370/rhv2021iss18pp151-171




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