ISSN 0719-4234
Center for Studies in Philosophy of Science, Logic and Epistemology - CEFILOE
RHV is edited by CEFILOE members.
The CEFILOE (for its acronym in Spanish, Centro de Estudios en Filosofía de la Ciencia, Lógica y Epistemología), is the center for advanced studies in Philosophy of Science, Logic and Epistemology of the Instituto de Filosofía, Universidad de Valparaíso (UV), Chile.
The center's members also manage the following publications:
Revista de Humanidades de Valparaíso. Directors: Shahid Rahman and Juan Redmond. Editor in Chief: E. Joaquín Suárez-Ruíz.
Ludus Vitalis. Revista de Filosofía de las Ciencias de la Vida. Director: Rodrigo Lopez-Orellana. Editor in Chief: E. Joaquín Suárez-Ruíz.
Serie Selección de Textos. Directors: Juan Redmond and Rodrigo Lopez-Orellana. Editor: Jorge Budrovich.
Serie Cuadernos de Lógica, Epistemología y Lenguaje – College Publications, London, UK. Directors: Juan Redmond and Shahid Rahman. Assistant Editor: Rodrigo Lopez-Orellana.
LEUS: Logic, Epistemology, and the Unity of Science, Springer – Series Editors: Shahid Rahman and Nicolas Clerbout. ISSN: 2214-9775.
LAR: Logic, Argumentation & Reasoning. Interdisciplinary Perspectives from the Humanities and Social Sciences, Springer – Series Editors: Shahid Rahman and Juan Redmond. ISSN: 2214-9120.
The CEFILOE is home to the following research axes:
MODELING IN SCIENCE - Head: Juan Redmond (Universidad de Valparaíso, Chile)
NEW APPROACHES IN PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE: FROM NATURALISM TO INFERENTIALISM - Head: Rodrigo Lopez-Orellana (Universidad de Valparaíso, Chile / iECYT, Universidad de Salamanca, Spain)
MEDIEVAL PHILOSOPHY AND LOGIC - Head: Jean Paul Martínez (Universidad de Valparaíso, Chile)
NORMS, LOGIC AND LAW - Head: Shahid Rahman (Université de Lille, France)
AESTHETICS, DIGITAL OBJECTS AND HACKING - Head: Alejandra Pérez (Universidad de Valparaíso, Chile)
NEW APPROACHES IN BIOETHICS AND PHILOSOPHY OF MEDICINE - Head: Elisa Calleja Sordo (Universidad Autónoma de México, Mexico)
QUALITATIVE RESEARCH EPISTEMOLOGIES - Head: Jorge Budrovich-Sáez (Universidad de Valparaíso, Chile)
PHILOSOPHY OF LANGUAGE - Head: David Bordonaba (Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain)
COMPLEXITY, EMERGENCE, CAUSATION AND OPEN SYSTEMS - Head: Esteban Céspedes (Universidad Católica del Maule, Chile)